May 15, 2003
Today, I called UMC via ip-relay using Nextalk software.
Well my CI surgery scheduled for tomorrow is cancelled. Because the surgical equipment to implant CI hasn't arrived yet.. They said that the Clarion CII did arrive but not the surgical equipment.
I was told that CI company (Advanced Bionic ) will send the equipment within 30 days meaning my CI Surgery will have to be rescheduled within 30 days. Dr Green's Nurse will contact me as soon they have everything...
My brother came home from work and got message on his answering machine and called them. He later then im'ed me that we might get surgery date as soon as May 30th. I will call again tomorrow to let them know that May 30th is good that is if they get them before that.
I know I said there will be photos today but my friend didn't stop by, he forgot to take the digital camera with him from work. So he went home. I informed him that it was cancelled.
I planned to do food shopping earlier but I decided to call them first before I head out for store. Good enough I didn't waste my time. eh. My brother said "you can now eat tomorrow ha ha" I laughed.
Well, I have to wait a little more! I hope this will be the last postponement!
Posted by Boult at May 15, 2003 08:20 PM