January 29, 2006

Papers: FEMA Passed Up Available Equipment

Ok which is worse? Passed up Available Buses in N.O. for evacuation or this below?

Snagged from unpartisan.com: Papers: FEMA Passed Up Available Equipment:

Hundreds of available trucks, boats, planes and federal officers were unused in search and rescue efforts immediately after Hurricane Katrina hit because FEMA failed to give them missions, new documents show.

8 News Links, 0 Liberal Blogs, 0 Conservative Blogs


Posted by Boult at 10:31 PM

Super Bowl XL in HD

Wow This year ABC's SuperBowl XL in Detroit is going HD! I sure wish I had HD TV already.. bummer! but read more below to see what they gonna use! whoa!

Snagged from Gizmodo at Super Bowl XL in HD:

superbowl.jpgThis year's Super Bowl in Detroit is set to be the largest HD test so far, with ABC showing it in high definition using all kinds of new equipment. ABC sprang for an RF HD camera, which will bless us with wireless high definition video feeds of events in and out of the stadium where a wired HD camera just couldn't go. Behind the players benches and in the stands, for example. Also being used are high-end camera lenses with Canon's advanced Optical Image Stabilization system, perfect for long shots and extreme close-ups.

The HD gear will be backed up with several Sony slo-mo cameras, plus a Panasonic camera for the ESPN SkyCam, a Panasonic POV, and Harris encoders and decoders. Sounds like a great set-up, except engineers are beginning to worry that the weather in Detroit may freeze the wires and cables. Why isn't this thing in Florida again?

ABC Sports Prepares for HD Super Bowl XL [TV Technology]


Posted by Boult at 04:32 PM

January 17, 2006

Timeline of right-wing dirty tricks in America

Check out this timeline of right-wing dirty tricks in America.

Posted by Boult at 04:30 PM

January 11, 2006

Abramoff scandal is Republican scandal nothing more!

Source: Salon.com News & Politics | War Room:

The Abramoff scandal: It's a Republican thing

We don't often look to the National Review as a place where truth is spoken to power, but NR editor Rich Lowry is out with a column today in which he puts the lie to GOP claims that the Jack Abramoff scandal is somehow an equal-opportunity, bipartisan affair.

"It is true that any Washington influence peddler is going to spread cash and favors as widely as possible, and 210 members of Congress have received Abramoff-connected dollars," Lowry writes. "But this is, in its essence, a Republican scandal, and any attempt to portray it otherwise is a misdirection. Abramoff is a Republican who worked closely with two of the country's most prominent conservative activists, Grover Norquist and Ralph Reed. Top aides to the most important Republican in Congress, Tom DeLay, were party to his sleazy schemes. The only people referred to directly in Abramoff's recent plea agreement are a Republican congressmen and two former Republican congressional aides. The GOP members can make a case that the scandal reflects more the way Washington works than the unique perfidy of their party, but even this is self-defeating, since Republicans run Washington."

Read more at the Source above.

Posted by Boult at 04:06 AM

January 09, 2006

Google introduces software starter kit

Google introduces software starter kit:

SAN FRANCISCO -- Google Inc. is distributing a free software startup kit designed to make computing safer and easier - a generous gesture driven by the company's desire to steer technology offline as well as online.

They are available at http://pack.google.com/
And Google Pack is for Windows XP only but no Mac version (althought that may be in works in the future so who knows)

For Mac user, there's Google Toolbar for Firefox as long you use that browser. I do recommend you to switch to Firefox from IE or other browser. Just go to http://www.mozilla.org/products/firefox/switch.html when you go there, you will find a link to Google Toolbar.

I would recommend Netcraft Anti-Phishing Toolbar at http://toolbar.netcraft.com/ (Windows and Mac too)

If you are AOL member, you can get AOL toolbar which you can check your aol mail and etc.. at: http://beta.aol.com/projects.php?project=firefoxtoolbar of course it is for AOL Beta user but you can sign up for it and get that AOL Firefox Toolbar 1.0 which is available for both windows and mac users.

If you are deaf person, I would recommend you to get toolbar from http://www.deafspot.net/toolbar.html but dont' click the "Download Toolbar" button but click the "Other version" link instead to get firefox version.

Have fun and enjoy those Google Pack and those toolbar I mentioned above!

Posted by Boult at 01:17 AM

January 08, 2006

Not a single Dem took Abramoff money


Howard Dean has to straighten Wolf Blitzer out that he was misinformed by NRSC and RNC.

BLITZER: Should Democrats who took money from Jack Abramoff, who has now pleaded guilty to bribery charges, among other charges, a Republican lobbyist in Washington, should the Democrat who took money from him give that money to charity or give it back?

DEAN: There are no Democrats who took money from Jack Abramoff, not one, not one single Democrat. Every person named in this scandal is a Republican. Every person under investigation is a Republican. Every person indicted is a Republican. This is a Republican finance scandal. There is no evidence that Jack Abramoff ever gave any Democrat any money. And we've looked through all of those FEC reports to make sure that's true.

This was on CNN Late Edition this morning; here's transcript;

Crooks and Liar has the video at;
Note that Wolf had a big sigh in video before finishing the talk with Dean.

I agree with what Dean said. It's true that NO Dems took a frakking dime from Jack! I know Koko would say they did but not directly from Jack or his agents. Those Indian tribes are NOT Abramoff's agents! get it!

Some one has done the research on FEC on Abramoff and Dems. It turns out NONE of those Dems that which Kokonut (AKA qwerty from DOL which he no longer post but probably lurks and he has a blog with a entry on accusing Dems of taking $$ from Jack at: http://kokonutpundits.blogspot.com/2006/01/when-democrats-ride-same-sinking-boat.html ) believes that those Dems he listed did actually took money from Jack Abramoff directly or indirectly while it is not true. This link; http://www.democrats.com/node/7324 will tell you that NONE of those Dems took any. and that link has links (Political Money Line and Newsmeat) where you can see for yourself.
In Kokonut's blog entry, two of those links goes to NRSC which is a republican website! And those two NRSC links that details out those but he didn't use outside links like democrats.com did list two outside that track $$ of all parties. which one do you believe?

There's more that Abramoff didn't give any to Dems:...

Now tell me why would Abramoff or Repbublicans wants to give $$ to Democrats since Jack Abramoff is himself a republican which is a staunch supporter of Republicans and Republican party big time. This has made K-Street Lobbyists bigger since 1995 that's why Culture of Corruption has gotten bigger now! (so Nancy Pelosi is right!)

Thanks to Daily Kos; http://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2006/1/8/215630/2516 for inspiring me to make this post.

(Of course I do watch Battlestar Galatica on Sci-Fi Channel which the word "frak" came from :D )

Posted by Boult at 11:34 PM

January 01, 2006

Happy New Year!




Posted by Boult at 12:09 AM