March 09, 2006
Beer Before Smoothies...And Milk
I like Lipton Tea and I have given up on drinking Pepsi but I still drink Milk, Low Fat (or 2%) for use in either breakfast cereal or Ovaltine drink(that I drink one glass of Ovaltine Chocolate Malt blended with Ice for "milk shake" for mid-morning snack everyday!) I hardly drink Beer or Coffee but I do not avoid them though.
Anyway.. below is interesting read..
Snagged from "A Good Beer Blog"...
Beer Before Smoothies...And Milk:
Even I suspect this study a little, though for now I am blaming the cold remedies filling my brain:
The report was paid for by the corporate parent of Lipton Tea, which is now using the scientists' advice to advertise tea's benefits. The nutritionists say they didn't know the extent of Lipton's marketing campaign, and the company didn't play a role in the recommendations, which generally urge people to drink more water.There is a point, however, to be made that beer - especially real ales and lagers - is not made up of empty calories so comparing them to sugared juices and soda pops should be expected to be a no-brainer, even if the remnants of the temperance movement are shocked.But beverage industry spokesmen and other nutritionists found fault with several of the guidelines. For example, whole milk is out, but moderate alcohol is OK. In fact, the scientists say men can drink as much as 24 ounces of beer a day -- more than the 16 ounces of low-fat milk or soy drinks they suggest, and three times their recommended limit for fruit juice.
Posted by Boult at March 9, 2006 11:43 PM