December 03, 2005


Daily Kos :: Comments O'Reilly: Soros is "Moneyman" Behind War on Christmas:

"Secular" (none / 0)

I hate how conservatives are making "secular" a dirty word just lie what they did to "liberal."  I guess that's why we're all "progressives" right now.

Being secular does not mean being god-less.  I am secular progressive.  I am also a Catholic.  That means I like to keep my church seperate from my state.  And personally I don't give a rat's ass on whether a store has ads saying "Happy Holidays" or "Merry Christmas."

And it's not the fault of "secular progressives" that stores are using ads that say "Happy Holidays."  Happy Holidays is much more concise than "Eid Mubarak/Happy Hannukah/Merry Christmas/Happy Winter Solstice" because the stores want to make money out of everybody, not just Christians.

And to be really technical and quoting liturgical calendars, it's not even Christmas Season right now, it's Advent.  Christmas Season starts on Christmas Eve and ends on Epiphany.

The Holiday season is about spreading peace, love and joy and I can't believe people who are pretending to be pious are feigning outrage to spread hate.

Perhaps we should do the Christian thing and forgive him as a sign of forgiveness maybe we should buy him a Bill O'Reilly Holiday Ornament.

I agree...

Posted by Boult at December 3, 2005 08:56 PM