December 04, 2005

The Daily Shooter - Photographer of the Month Kresta King Cutcher

Read my niece's full interview at;
The Daily Shooter - Photographer of the Month Kresta King Cutcher:

The social and political problems in places like Rwanda, Africa are something that we have all heard about. Words like genocide, mass graves, AIDS epidemics are all things that we hear whispers of on the news. Photographer Kresta King Cutcher brings us even closer. Her touching images of the children, often orphans, in Africa remind us of the lives that these types of issues affect. We are proud to have Kresta as our first Photographer of the Month.

Kresta, Congratulation! I am proud of you! I likes your works and you seems to have good taste in camera like I do. Your interview was great!

I like Canon Rebels and I have dreamed of owning a Canon Rebel EOS (35mm of course) over the years since high school. Now that Digital version of that is out... I seems not able to get my hand on it. heh... I have bought and owned two Canon Snappy, the first one was lost on the trip back to NY from summer vacation during my college year. The film was in it! shoot! I had to buy another one of same name but a Snappy LX though.. However, the plan to buy Canon Rebel is still on my to do list. I do have a Poster of Canon EOS Rebel (film based) and all the lens that are compatible but I don't know where I put it. Probably in one of boxes.

Keep up on your good works!

Posted by Boult at December 4, 2005 09:14 AM